Peer reviewed Publications/ Chapters in books
- Dammalli M, Murthy KR, Pinto SM, Murthy
KB, Nirujogi RS, Madugundu AK, Dey G, Nair
B, Gowda H, Keshava Prasad TS. Toward
Postgenomics OphthalmologyAProteomic
Map of the Human Choroid-Retinal
Pigment Epithelium Tissue. OMICS. 2017
- Rani PK, Nangia V, Murthy KR, Khanna RC,
Das T. Community care for diabetic
retinopathy and glaucoma in India: A panel
discussion. Indian J Ophthalmol. 2018
Jul;66(7):916-920. doi: 10.4103/ijo.IJO_
910_17. Review.
- Madugundu AK, Muthusamy B, Sreenivasa
murthy SK, Bhavani C, Sharma J, Kumar B,
Murthy KR, Ravikumar R, Pandey A. A Next-
Generation Sequencing-Based Molecular
Approach to Characterize a Tick Vector in
Lyme Disease. OMICS. 2018 Aug;22(8):565-
- Karthikkeyan G, Subbannayya Y, Najar MA,
Mohanty V, Pinto SM, Arunachalam C,
Prasad TSK, Murthy KR. Human Optic
Nerve: An Enhanced Proteomic Expression
Profile. OMICS. 2018 Oct;22(10):642-652.
- Babu K, Shukla SB, Philips M. High Resolution
Chest Computerized Tomography in
the Diagnosis of Ocular Sarcoidosis in a High
TB Endemic Population. Ocul Immunol
Inflamm. 2017 Apr;25(2):253-258
- Babu K, Sajid S. In Response to: Jeon and
Lee's 'Cytomegalovirus Retinitis in a Human
Immunodeficiency Virus-negative Cohort:
Long-term Management and Complications'.
Ocul Immunol Inflamm. 2017 Feb;25(1):
- Babu K, Parameshwarappa D. Atypical
Tolosa Hunt syndrome and bilateral
sclerokeratitis and optic atrophy in
Takayasu's arteritis. American Journal of
Ophthalmology Case Reports 5 (2017)
- Babu K, Kumaradas M. In Response to
Laovirojjanakul W, Acharya N and Gonzales
JA's "Ultra-Widefield Fluorescein
Angiography in Intermediate Uveitis". Ocul
Immunol Inflamm. 2017 Dec 28:1-3
Agarwal A, Agrawal R, Gunasekaran DV,
Raje D, Gupta B, Aggarwal K, Murthy SL,
Westcott M, Chee SP, Mccluskey P, Su Ling
H, Teoh S, Cimino L, Biswas J, Narain S,
Agarwal M, Mahendradas P, Khairallah M,
Jones N, Tugal-Tutkun I, Babu K, Basu S,
Carreño E, Lee R, Al-Dhibi H, Bodaghi B,
Invernizzi A, Goldstein DA, Herbort CP,
Barisani-Asenbauer T, González-López JJ,
Androudi S, Bansal R, Moharana B,
Mahajan S, Esposti S, Tasiopoulou A,
Nadarajah S, Agarwal M, Abraham S, Vala R,
Singh R, Sharma A, Sharma K, Zierhut M,
Kon OM, Cunningham E, Nguyen QD,
Pavesio C, Gupta V. The Collaborative
Ocular Tuberculosis Study (COTS)-1 Report
3: Polymerase Chain Reaction in the
Diagnosis and Management of Tubercular
Uveitis: Global Trends. Ocul Immunol
Inflamm. 2017 Dec 20:1-9
- Agrawal R, Gunasekeran DV, Grant R,
Agarwal A, Kon OM, Nguyen QD, Pavesio
C,Gupta V; Col laborat i ve Ocular Tuberculosis Study (COTS)-1 Study Group.
Clinical Features and Outcomes of Patients
With Tubercular Uveitis Treated With
Antitubercular Therapy in the Collaborative
Ocular Tuberculosis Study (COTS)-1. JAMA
Ophthalmol. 2017 Dec 1;135(12):1318-
Groen-Hakan F, Babu K, Tugal-Tutkun I,
Pathanapithoon K, de Boer JH, Smith JR, de
Groot-Mijnes JDF, Rothova A. Challenges of
Diagnosing Viral Anterior Uveitis. Ocul
Immunol Inflamm. 2017 Oct;25(5):710-
- Agrawal R, Gunasekeran DV, Agarwal A,
Carreño E, Aggarwal K, Gupta B, Raje D,
Murthy SI, Westcott M, Chee SP, McCluskey
P, Ling HS, Teoh S, Cimino L, Biswas J,Narain
S, Agarwal M, Mahendradas P, Khairallah M,
Jones N, Tugal-Tutkun I, Babu K, Basu S, Lee
R, Al-Dhibi H, Bodaghi B, Invernizzi A,
Goldstein DA, Herbort CP, Barisani-
Asenbauer T, González-López JJ, Androudi
S, Bansal R, Moharana B,Mahajan S, Esposti
S, Tasiopoulou A, Nadarajah S, Agarwal M,
Abraham S, Vala R,Lord J, Singh R, Sharma A,
Sharma K, Zierhut M, Kon OM, Kempen J,
Cunningham ET, Rousselot A, Nguyen QD,
Pavesio C, Gupta V. The Collaborative
Ocular TuberculosisStudy (COTS)-1: A
Multinational Description of the Spectrum
of ChoroidalInvolvement in 245 Patients
with Tubercular Uveitis. Ocul Immunol
Inflamm. 2018Aug 29:1-11.
- Bhagya, Prajna Lalitha, Arya Lalan Kumar &
SivakumarRathinam (2017): Polymerase
Chain Reaction and its Correlation with
Clinical Features and Treatment Response
in Tubercular Uveitis, Ocular Immunology
and Inflammation, DOI: 10.1080/092739
- Book chapter on Intermediate Uveitis, AIOC
Ready Reckoner
- Book chapter on Dermatomyositis and
Polymyositis in Colour Atlas and Synopsis of
Clinical Ophthalmology--Wills Eye Institute-
-Uveitis, 2nd edition
- Book chapter on Relapsing Polychondritis in
Colour Atlas and Synopsis of Clinical
Ophthalmology--Wills Eye Institute--
Uveitis, 2nd edition
- Babu K, Bhagya, Murthy KR. Bilateral
arterial occlusions masking retinitis in a
HIV-positive male. Indian J Ophthalmol
2018; 66:332-4.
- Kalpana Babu, Bhagya & S. Krishna Kumar
(2018): Bilateral Conjunctival Granulomas
in A Young Lady with Hyper eosinophilic
Syndrome - A Case Report, Ocular Immunology
and Inflammation, DOI: 10.1080/
- Kalpana Babu, Padmamalini Mahendradas,
Bhagya, Ankush Kawali, Deepika C.
Paraweshwarappa, Vibha Pal & Mariamma
Philips (2018) Clinical Profile of Herpes
Zoster Ophthalmicus in a South Indian
Patient Population, Ocular Immunology
and Inflammation,26:2, 178-183, DOI:
- Kalpana Babu, Deepika C. Paraweshwarappa
& Bhagya (2018) Tonic
Pupil in Cytomegalovirus Anterior Uveitis in
an Immunocompetent Adult Male - A Case
Repor t , Ocular Immunolog y and
Inflammation, 26:1, 104-106, DOI:
- Bhagya, Manisha Agarwal, Deepa Sharma,
Ravi Mehta & Kalpana Babu (2018): Role of Endobronchial Ultrasound Guided
Transbronchial Needle Aspiration in the
Diagnosis of Intraocular Inflammation in
India - Our Experience, Ocular Immunology
and Inflammation, DOI: 10.1080/09273
- Gowri J Murthy, AjinkyaV Deshmukh,
Ayyappa Mallidi, Praveen R Murthy, Jyothi
Kattige, Vinay R Murthy, Renewal of driving
license in India and Glaucoma: A study of
prevalent Practise and lacunae, Indian J
Ophthalmol 2019;67:240-6
Non peer reviewed Publications:
- Babu K: Recent updates on Ocular sarcoidosis,
Telengana ophthalmic society (TOS
today), issue 1,volume 3, 2017, pages 10-16
Chapters in Books
- Babu K: Ocular manifestations of Lyme
disease- Book by Dr. H. V. Nema
- Babu K: Ocular Cysticercosis in text book on
Emerging infectious diseases by Dr.Chee
Soon Phaik and Moncef Khairallah(eds),
Springer 2017.